Truly: Is a Presentation Always An Act of Persuasion?
Posted by Dr. Abela
Prof. Kristan Wheaton, Associate Professor at the Mercyhurst College Department of Intelligence Studies, and owner of the Sources and Methods…
A study of the average PowerPoint presentation
Posted by Dr. Abela
How many slides does the average PowerPoint document have? What proportion of them have images on them? Or animation, or…
Fear of Public Speaking?
Posted by Dr. Abela
In response to yesterday’s post about Prof. Mehrabian’s research, Nan Peck emailed me another example of false generalization of research. …
93% of communication comes from non-verbal signs… or does it?
Posted by Dr. Abela
Have you heard this one before? “Only 7% of communication comes through words, the rest comes from non-verbal communication: 38%…